The Best Plan To Help Get Rid Of Shoulder Pain

Some shoulder problems are a result of an injury to the tendons which attach muscles to bone. Other injuries can be to the muscle themselves. They can also involve the tendons, which are responsible for attaching bones to each other. An injury to any of these three areas can be a big problem because in order for the shoulder to work, muscles, tendons and ligaments must work together.
In order to treat and correct shoulder pain, it is important to determine where the problem begins. A doctor can decipher that through an exam, MRI or through the use of x rays. It can sometimes be difficult to pinpoint the problem, and a doctor or specialist can help to get to the root of the problem.
Many times, resting the shoulder is recommended as this can allow time for the injury to repair. Restricting motion in the shoulder and arm can also help to alleviate the pain that moving the joint can cause. Patients that follow these instructions may notice a decrease in mobility in the joints however, and a small amount of movement can sometimes be attempted if this becomes a problem.
The application of ice or a heat pack can also bring relief from the pain of an aching shoulder. If the shoulder is inflamed and swollen, ice can help to reduce the swelling and help bring relief. A heat pack will help take away pain. These should be used intermittently or alternately. This is a great way to deal with pain without the use of drugs.
Medication can also help shoulder pain sufferers. Some may be prescribed by a physician, but others are available without and can provide help as well. Pain relievers and anti-inflammatories are the most common ways to deal with pain, and can be quite effective if used in moderation and according to the directions. These should be taken under a doctor's supervision if there are other health problems.
In severe cases, surgery can be indicated. Physicians use this to directly repair the shoulder and repair muscles, ligaments and tendons. Some people find that relief can be found with the use of massage or acupuncture. If this is an option, it can certainly be tried.
Exercises can be beneficial, and a doctor or physiotherapist can advise a patient of the proper ones to do that are specific to the nature of the injury. Mild to moderate exercise that targets the shoulder muscles can rebuild the shoulder and can be a very effective rehabilitative tool following surgery. Most can be done at home and do not require special equipment.

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